Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Normally you feel bad if you hit an animal while you’re driving down the road. Well, most people do. Here, you don’t have to feel bad – if it’s an opossum or similar. They’re eating all the kiwi birds, so you’re encouraged to kill them however you can. Traps, poison, clubs, bullets, assegais, whatever.

We were driving back to the farm at dusk when I had my chance. There in our lane toward the middle of the road was a cute little kiwi-killing rodent staring back at us. This was my opportunity to pull my weight as a kiwi wannabe to save the kiwis.
Surely Amy realizes that this is my civic duty. I’d better check. I had just enough time to say to Amy, “I’m supposed to hit it – right?” Amy squirmed down in her seat and started crying as if I was about to shoot her favorite pony in the head.
I didn’t change my course – I had to do this for the kiwi race. Thump. I tried to explain that to Amy who was now in a heap of tears at the bottom of the passenger seat. She looked at me and sobbed, “Not while he was looking right at us”. There wasn’t much conversation for the rest of the ride home.


Anonymous said...

you cold hearted killer you!!!!

Never mind, think of the kiwis.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Amy on that one. To humanely exterminate them is one thing; to ram them with your car is quite another. If you had maimed it would you have gone back and done the job properly?
I would prefer it if you had told me that you did not want to swerve to avoid it for fear of endangering your passengers and the caravan.
What are you doing in Raglan? I thought that you were going to the south island.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel quite so bad about it as Dad does, was I know they're the scoursge of NZ. I'm sure he never felt the pain and has gone to a happy place. Mind you, I don't think I could have done it! Love Mum