Friday, April 4, 2008

Parson’s Rock

Here are some pictures from our campground in the lakes region west from Oamaru.

This thrilling swing gently launched its contents way over the clear turquoise lake.

The lakeshore is beautiful in the morning when the water is calm…

Not far from these lakes, on the coast is the quaint town of Oamaru. It reminded us of a European town with its stone buildings and tree lined main avenue. Oamaru is a splendid town with interesting architecture and quaint shops…

The limestone from the area plays an important role in the architecture and livelihood (for some at least)…

Property prices are still reasonable here. The area is very dry and receives little rainfall, but has pockets of extremely fertile soil like on this picturesque organic farm just outside Oamaru…

Irrigation is imperative.

Not a bad place to live. Beck even has the outfit for it. Perhaps he’ll make a good farmer one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All looks very beautiful and sounds as though you are still having fun. I can give Quinne some fish recipes if she would like to catch and eat! Your pictures give me some painting inspiration. In fact I'm almost finished painting one from the lake near your ex, house in Boulder. Perhaps I'll e mail it to you when it's finished. Lots of love, Mum