Friday, April 4, 2008


Aren’t you glad this isn’t your school mascot?

I’m sure its true, but you’d also sulk if you inherited this mascot. You don’t sulk if you win, so they’re already labeled as losers before they even start. They might as well call themselves the West Melton Losers.

Go sulkies.


Anonymous said...

oh, i don't know. i find the sulkies pretty intimidating indeed. maybe they're losers, but they're not above exploiting it. and that can be really scary! tell amy i said "rah" to this.


The Webers said...

It may not be a good tactic to exploit your ability to be a looser if you're out to win, but maybe this group isn't out to win. I certainly wouldn't like to lose to them. That would be very embarrassing. Maybe they specialize in psychology. Hmm.

Unknown said...

Fantastic...I just love catching up on you guys. wow! life in boulder is good, looking forward to the spring corn season. got a hut trip in the never summers early in may. Rolling along, working 8-5, in lousvile. Living pretty close to the old place - off violet next to the open space north of the community garden. Life is good. The avalanche made it into the stanley cup playoffs - get to go to two games next week. Next big trip is back to Chile at the end of July. Big hugs to you guys - thanks so much for sharing your adventure. Love both the pics and commentary - brillant! Mike Smith