Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kid update

Here are a few pictures of the kids playing in the van. It’s really fun to see them get along. It usually doesn’t last.

Quinne is happy to sit for hours amusing herself with her art projects. She cuts out pieces of paper or fabric and pastes them onto her drawings to make adorable collages. She’s very interested in counting and learning to read and write. I have no doubt she’ll enjoy and do well at school. She loves playing with other kids, and doesn’t hesitate joining a group of kids on the playground. It’s great to see kids of different nationality playing and laughing together without needing to talk. She does seem to be picking up a kiwi accent already though.

She enjoys being a big sister, and realizes that her cute little baby brother attracts desirable attention that could otherwise be hers. When she sees this coming, she swoops in to play the cute big sister role by picking up her unsuspecting baby brother to look after him. Beck usually screams blue murder, but that doesn’t stop Quinne from plonking him down on the nearest chair where she can attend to his urgent needs. She’s cleverly deduced that they can attract more attention as a cute couple than either can on their own. If he escapes her care, she follows him and holds his hand to guide him wherever he’s going. Grannies eat this stuff up. I must admit, it does look cute. When he really does need help, she’s always there first with sincere concern ready to get him out of whatever trouble he’s in.

With his ample mobility, Beck’s into everything and needs a doting big sister to watch over him. He seems to be growing fast. He’s still a skinny little chap, but often eats more than his sister at dinner. He successfully communicates what he wants using his growing repertoire of words and sign language. Going to sleep at night can be a challenge as it is now, especially if he’s taken two naps during the day. Today’s second nap was a late one, so we’re in for it. He knows he must stay in his bed, and protests from there. He and Quinne get up to silly tricks from their bunks behind their curtain when they should be sleeping. It’s hard to be annoyed when their cute giggles sound so innocent and young, and who wants to stop them when they’re actually playing happily together?

Beck’s at the age when he loves to do things for himself. He insists on feeding himself, but doesn’t like to sit still. Without a high chair, he quickly spreads his supper all over the caravan. His spoon has a slim chance of making it to his mouth with anything left on it. He likes to hold a big person cup all by himself, but doesn’t take the time to steady himself before lifting the cup to his lips. Milk everywhere doesn’t seem to bother him, and he can’t understand what all the fuss is about. He takes after his late Gumpy in that way.

He’s just started to pick his nose. I don’t think this will develop too much further though, because when he pulls his finger out with snot on it he complains bitterly until someone wipes it clean. It’s very important for daddy to keep a hanky in his pocket to quickly calm a screeching baby with an outstretched snotty finger. At least he hasn’t figured out that he can smear it on other things. That’ll be the next phase of development, sped up by the fact that his sister is constrained in the next car seat over. Oy, I can just imagine the fuss that will create.

He needs to work a little on his timing when giving kisses. He often anticipates the kiss too soon, and makes contact with an open mouth. He loves rubbing foreheads together saying “ni-ni”.

It’s amazing how quickly they’re growing, and I relish all this time in can spend with them during our travels.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blow by blow account of the kid's activities. They're adorable and we miss them. love mum, nanoo and karin

Anonymous said...

oh for heaven's sake, what are these faces that beck is making? i don't think he could be funnier if he tried! is he trying, by the way? or is that how he makes a picture face? it is cracking me up. he looks like a buster keaton or something. he's as much of a character as quinne is beautiful. i love hearing about them. i love how you've picked up on quinne using beck for attention. you are right, that is clever! jenn