Friday, September 19, 2008

Beck turns 2

Happy Birthday Beckett!

It wasn't all fun and games on Beck's birthday though. There was yard work to do...


Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable. He looks as though sugar wouldn't melt in his mouth, or however the saying goes. lots of love, mum

Anonymous said...

also glad to see that he's getting use from the sweater from South America, via France, love mum

Tim said...

Oliver, you have two of the cutest kids on the planet. Enjoy them because they grow up so fast. It seems like only yesterday that my daughter was in kindergarten and now she is off to college. My "little boy" has feet as big as mine (he's 14) and don't tell him, but I have to do my darnest to beat him in a wrestling match, and I don't think it'll be long before he'll be able to whip the ol' man.

BTW- still waiting on that ski report...