Friday, November 21, 2008

stop and smell the roses

We're easing into Spring slowly down here on the top of the south. After some beautiful days, this weekend is chilly and overcast. Great for working in the veggie garden. Amy's been making rose jam with the plentiful rose petals from the many rose bushes around the property. Quinne seems to appreciate the flowers the most.

In her already well developed kiwi accent, Quinne names the flowers and birds she sees around the property. She usually knows the Maori name over the pakeha name, so when some potential customers came by the other day, I was happy to pronounce the Maori name for the wood pigeon that the bride-to-be pointed out flying overhead. I only knew it from Quinne pointing it out to me.

Amy's up to her ears organizing a Christmas market at the kindergarten, and I've been busy drumming up business. The work is coming in, and it's very exciting. There seems to be more commercial opportunities in Nelson than I expected. Networking is key. It's also a good way to meet people. We're all learning tons and having fun.

Beck is making himself very well understood these days, although Quinne has to translate at times. They have their ups and downs, but generally get along well and love each other dearly.

Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How lovely to see more pictures and hear your news. Rose jam, hmmmmm that sounds delicious and I can already smell the perfume. I've never had rose jam, so that will be first when we get to NZ. Keep a jar hidden for us. Great to hear about the job opportunities and thrilled for you. Can't wait to see you next year. We're still keeping a look out for good price tickets. Let us know if you hear of any.
lots of love to you all, mum