Saturday, August 30, 2008


OK, we've almost finished unpacking our stuff. Quinne's been passing some nasty germs from her kindie around, so energy has been low. Spring is here though, and we've been having some magnificent days.

We're learning how to speak New Zealish. It's important to get it right. For example, here's a picture of Quinne and her hottie...

A hottie in New Zealish is a hot water bottle. This is the only type of hottie Quinne is allowed to sleep with until she's twenty four.

Our ex next-door-neighbor, Adrienne told us how she went to the US to work as a nurse. The American nurses talked about how cold they were at night. Adrienne asked them if they had hotties to keep them warm in bed. They passed her some very strange looks. you can imagine how the conversation went...

nurses: Wow! You just got here. Have you found yourself a hottie already?
Adrienne: I brought mine with me.
nurses: Does your husband know?
Adrienne: Of course, he sleeps with a hottie also.
nurses: even when you're there?
Adrienne: Yes, we each have one.
nurses: Wow! You New Zealanders are a crazy bunch.

With the way houses are built in New Zealand, you really need a hottie to keep you warm at night.


MustHaveCoffee... said...

LOL! Too funny :)

Quinne is adorable, by the way!

The Webers said...

Thanks Leslie!
Take care,